@ Studio Sterric
Muniken Charlotte
Major Illustration 3
To be executed during MARCH 2022
The hosts tell and discuss Japanese scary stories pulled from personal experiences, traditional Japanese ghost stories and mythology, as well as True Crime.
Summary: An old man who has a habit of seeing ghosts and apparitions isn't sure if he's seeing something supernatural or very very creepy.
EPISODE 4 - First Story by Nu Hikaru
Time: 01:00 - 06:10

1. Live House in Tokyo -> Old Man telling his story
2. Apartment building in Tokyo Suburbs -> 4th floor balcony
3. Winter at 3AM
4.Parking Lot next to apartment

Story Highlights:

- Old men comes into the Live House and starts telling (Nu Hikaru) that he sees ghosts (all the time) but that one time..

- Old Man (Person A) wakes up in the middle of the night and decides to have smoke outside. It’s 3AM and it’s the middle of Winter. It’s super cold.

- As A smokes, he spots 3 ghostly looking children in the corner of the parking lot. Illuminated by the vending machine. They are dressed in white dresses and have no hair. He cannot tell the gender.

- A is intrigued, thinking he is seeing a supernatural apparition. He notices another person (man) staring at them from his window + a young couple scream frightened, who noticed them as well.

- A realises, these children might not be ghosts, since other people seem to see them as well.

- Suddenly, car come into the parking lot and a middle-aged men leads the children to his car trunk. The children get into the car one-by-one.

- A locks eyes with one of the children, for a short instance. The child looks emotionless and stuck at the same time.

- The car drives off.

- A says, he never wishes the children were ghosts and not people. The thought makes him sad.

The End.